
Tuesday, July 23, 2013

[HOW-TO] - Enable CELCOM LTE settings on your iPhone 5 (and iOS 7)

Simply follow the below steps to enable LTE settings on your iPhone 5!
On Mac:
  1. Enable Carrier Testing on iTunes. Quit iTunes, launch Terminal and enter the following command.
    defaults write com.apple.iTunes carrier-testing -bool YES
  2. Download our modified .ipcc file here.
  3. Connect your iPhone to your Mac and launch iTunes.
  4. Hold alt/option and click “Check for updates”.
  5. Select the modified .ipcc file and click ‘open’.
On Windows:
  1. Download our modified .ipcc file here.
  2. Connect your iPhone to your PC and launch iTunes.
  3. Hold alt and click “Check for updates”.
  4. Select the modified .ipcc file and click ‘open’.
And eureka! Check your Mobile/Cellular settings and you shall see the “Enable LTE” switch.
How did I get around this? Upon further investigation, I realise that these people fall into 2 categories, or maybe even more:
  1. iOS 7 users.
  2. Users who used carrier hacks such as CarrierEditor to change the icons.
By default, these respective softwares will automatically update the device’s carrier setting to 14.5. However, since Celcom’s LTE carrier settings only exists on version 14.1, 14.5 only contains the 3G settings instead of 4G. However, since iOS 7 does not allow carrier settings downgrade, we are unable to manually restore the carrier settings to 14.1 from 14.5. Therefore, what I do is, change the carrier version from the exact same file to 14.6.
[Source: iHelpBoard]

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